Tasha's Heraldry Links

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Official References Heraldry in the SCA
Laurel Sovereign of Arms
Rules For Submissions
Administrative Handbook
Online SCA Ordinary - Master Index
Online SCA Armorial
East Kingdom Order of Precedence
General References Modar's Heraldry Page
Onomastics The Academy of Saint Gabriel
Linguistics for SCA Heralds
  by Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvyrn
A Dictionary of Period Russian Names
  by Paul Wickenden of Thanet
A Small Collection of Medieval Onomastic Articles
  by Aryanhwy Prytydes merch Catmael Caermyrdin
The Medieval Names Archive
Arabic Naming Practices And Period Names List
  by Da'ud ibn Auda

Modar's Persona Research Articles
  Research Questions for Developing a Persona
  Who's When: A History Timeline
  Choosing A Name/Creating A Persona

Armory Glossary of Terms As Used By The College of Arms of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
Kyl's Glossary of Heraldic Terms
Heraldic Terms,
  compiled by Modar Neznanich
Animal Blazonry
  by Lord Eldred Ælfwald, Gordian Knot Herald
Basic Conflict Checking
  by Lady Teceangl Bach
De Bello Armoram, by Rouland Carre:
  Part I: What's It All About (Alfie)?
  Part II: How Different is Different?
  Part III: Group Theory
  Part IV
  Part V: Primarily Different
Argent Snail's Armory Insta-Boing Check List
  by Judith Gerjuoy
Counting Complexity in Devices and Badges
  by Dmitrii Volkovich
Period Style: An Introduction
  by Da'ud ibn Auda
Heraldic Myths
  compiled by Baron Modar Neznanich
Fun Stuff Haroldry for the Non-Harold
Games for Heralds and Non-Heralds Alike
  by Lady Teceangl Bach